Village Hope International Ministries Inc. is really helping the youths in Kasempa in the following ways:
The youths have started thinking outside the box such as if one did not attain any further Education after finishing whatever level of studies, that is not the end of everything. They have realized they can do more than they thought.
They are kept busy with our programs so that there is no room for them to be involved in things that doesn't bring them a bright future.
They have learned how to work as a team!

Peter Jilowa
Board Member

Village Hope has given me a job and I am able to feed my family.
- Helper for construction of the Trade school - Zambia

Construction helper
Village Hope has helped Kamusongolwa community in Kasempa to find purpose in life. Youths have learned to manage their time better after taking classes in time management. They are now competent in surfing the web to find information, and they are very grateful of learning basic computer skills, word, excel and publisher. They also have learned to transfer information from the phone to a computer. They are motivated and inspired. - Youth participant in the Youth Program Kasempa - Zambia

Youth Participant
How youths in Kasempa are benefiting from village hope project.
Evangelism & Discipleship sessions – As a result of their training the youths have become much stronger in their faith.
Basic courses in entrepreneurship, financial and time management among other things have really given youths direction. With continued guidance and availability of resources, they will achieve more than they even think and imagine.
By being involved in construction of the Trade school, from the foundation to the level where it is, they have gained construction skills and they feel the ownership as being beneficial of the programs being offered.
They gained the skill of making bricks, construction and when the roof is put on, and plumbing is done, they will have more building skills. This is practical training on the job.
For those working with the contractor as helpers, Village Hope is providing them with incomes.
Construction of the Trade school, drilling of the well and installation of pumps created employment for workers.
Because youths are kept busy all the time, there is a change in behavior. They are becoming more responsible.
The best part of Village Hope programs is to reach and help both none Christians and Christian youths and children.

Payne Mano
Board member – Zambia
I am so happy of what Village Hope has done for the people in Kasempa.
Caregivers and orphans are happy to have their needs met.
Village Hope has given youths life and a purpose of life. They can plan and manage their time. They can work and produce.
They have learnt to work together, to produce more and faster. As a result of that, they have established what they are calling, ‘Kamusongolwa Youth Development’.
Thank you VH for helping the youths in Kamusongolwa, Kasempa to learn about Time Management. Because of that the youths have learnt to make their time productive.
They worked together to make bricks and fire them so they could build a workshop to start welding and carpentry. They gained some income by selling bricks that were a surplus. They hope to make more bricks to sell and they are trusting God for funds to hire a builder to build them a room where they can start welding and carpentry. They need a generator for welding and a chain saw to split timber.
Caregivers and parents of needy kids are thankful for a school in the village for small children. Many thanks to the donors of Village Hope International Ministries inc. for your support.

Mrs J. Mapupu
Village Hope Projects manager - Zambia